brings 2000s nostalgia . Fueled with Mountain Dew Major Melon and nightcore music
Banner by kynivoid.newgrounds.com
I also am open to animation commissions, PM me!

Michael @Imprez

Age 29, Male

Graphic Designer

New Jersey

Joined on 1/8/14

Exp Points:
3,798 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.09 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
6y 3m 27d

Imprez's News

Posted by Imprez - October 9th, 2024

First off we have a discord, best place to have updates or give suggestions and coordinate. https://discord.gg/vBNkN6CF

Anways, I'm back to give you some news that isnt so great. DERPYCON DROPPED THE BALL ON US, they rejected our panel, even after they accepted it last year. We're still on their waitlist, but I would not hold my breathe, if it does somehow make it in I'll give another update, but for right now, no panel. WE ARE STILL MEETING UP, the plan is still in place, just no panel so no 'official' meetup time. There are some people who already bought badges and a lot who won't so planning for what exactly we are going to do isnt really set in stone yet. Through my rough planning Im thinking if you are going to buy a badge just do it for Friday and don't get the weekend badge, and maybe for people who already bought their badge or still want to check out the con, Friday will be the day we are mostly at the con. Saturday can be the day we hang outside of the con mostly. I was walk we can walk around New Brunswick, and @smugerrysrugerry suggested we can also hangout at College Ave campus at Rutgers too. We can also hangout in the lobby or the bar of the venue where the con will be too.

Im not sure if there will be any more updates unless a spot opens up for the panel. I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused for anyone. If you bought a ticket already and don't think you'll need it anymore, please reach out to me maybe I can see I can help get it transfered to someone else.


Posted by Imprez - August 20th, 2024


Official meetup date

October 25th, 2024 at noon

Hyatt Regency

2 Albany St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901


Hello fellow Newgrounders, here we go with ANOTHER meetup and in NJ AGAIN! But since Pico Day was in North Jersey, and Wildwood was in South Jersey, this one will be in Central Jersey, just a little over an hour from both Philly and New York!

I brought the idea up at TMG with @nicksenny and @septicsebi and they were on board with helping me host this meetup. I did a Newgrounds panel and only made a post about a week before the actual event. But we still had @tamag0, @nicksenny @septicSebi @wegra, @snowlionstudios , @disconnecty at the panel last year. Here's a video of our panel from last year if you want to check it out.


So right now I'm still waiting back from the panel staff on when the Meetup panel will be officially, but it will either be the 25th or the 26th, but we'll be there for the weekend so we'll just make this a weekend meetup Friday - Sunday kind of like TMG but more organized and not all over the place. We will have some specials guests (The Wiggles ;) ), prizes, balloons, and music by the finest Newgrounds artists!  

Unfortunately our panel was rejected this year, so we're just going to meetup in the lobby area this year. I'm really sorry about that.

Things to do at Derpy Con:  

Well it's a pretty small convention especially compared to TMG, but just like most conventions there are panels, artist alley, dealer room, concerts, Dance party, Maid Cafe, Tabletop, gaming tournaments, HOW TO RIZZ (For the Lonely Weeb), [18+], Film Festival, AMV contest, karaoke (18+ 10:30pm - 1 am Friday, 11:30 - 2am Saturday) and a pretty decent sized arcade considering the size of the convention. You can also stay at the venue late they don't kick you at 10 pm like at TMG. 

Here are some videos examples of the con from previous years.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXEiJ8I2DnY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDqSTEa-AXE

New Brunswick is a big college town, so tons of Restaurants and bars that are opened until at least 2 am 

Badges and Rooming:


https://derpycon.com/location/hotel/ You can also book a room at the Hyatt Regency (The same venue where the con is) anywhere from Wednesday through Monday. $174 a night for a single $184 for a double, and if you book before September 30th you will get a free Weekend badge with your room.

What is Derpycon?:

 "DerpyCon is a New Jersey-based multi-genre convention that founded in 2012, which brings anime, gaming, sci-fi, comics, and much more to the north east each October. The convention held its first event in 2014, welcoming more than 700 attendees to Morristown, NJ; since then, the event has more than doubled in size – both attendee wise & space wise – including moving to New Brunswick, NJ in 2021 to continue to grow."


@disconnecty @imprez @kingcrowned @malfromed @mantis @nicksenny @spinalpalm @septicsebi @slowsolid @smugerryarugerry @space @wegra @tamag0 @mrshmoods

Here's a link to the Discord Server for more information on Travel, food, restaurants, booking a hotel:




Posted by Imprez - July 12th, 2024


I think they are a trash news organization and are very biased.

Now that @bigblackcockhater is now a journalist with them, he can now make his own very biased news coverage against Big Black Cocks. It is crucial to boycott the BBC if you support BBC! #fakenews



Posted by Imprez - May 20th, 2024

It was great!



Posted by Imprez - January 28th, 2024

Well I've got to say 2023 was mixture of terrible and great, mainly terrible toward the later half.

I went to Magfest for the first time and it was such and awesome experience I wish I did sooner. I then went to TMG and met so many great people there. The Yestercades meetup organized by @brandbuizel and hosting the Newgrounds Panel at Derpy Con with @septicsebi and @nicksenny was amazing thank you again and I'm so happy @wegra @tamag0 @disconnecty @studiosnowlion was there as well.

The shitty parts, my Grandma, my Aunt, and, My cousin all passed away within just two months apart. And i've been struggling for the past 6 months trying to find another job and had to settle with working part-time at Fedex.

I am grateful to Newgrounds community for making these meetups possible and take my mind off of the shitty things for a little bit.

Also shoutout to @deucelegoose and bnzmaster who I saw at Magfest this year

My plans for 2024: Honestly, since 2020 I've learned you can't really plan for anything. BUT since it's difficult to find a job in this economy and it seems half of the jobs I apply for are either ghost jobs or just the same job that's been reposted for over a month on LinkedIn, I've almost just given up on finding a career for this year.

So instead I'm going to focus more on making more art, animations, and being more active on Newgrounds since it's the only thing that keeps me going. If anyone is interested I'll also do comissions. I'm thinking starting cost will be around $40 for a profile picture.

I'm going to do TMG again this year, I also plan on going to Kogaracon, Otakon, Colossal East, DerpyCon, and AnimeNYC this year and maybe do an art table at one of them. I'm also planning on hosting a NG panel again possibly at Derpycon again, if not maybe Colossal East.

Thank you all who have supported me and continue to support me, I strive not to disappoint this year.



Posted by Imprez - November 4th, 2023

iu_1108640_4911163.webpSo we had the Newgrounds Panel at Derpycon, I had a lot of fun hosting it along side with @nicksenny and @septicsebi from @pukebomb thank you guys so much.

I walked into the building from the parking lot and the very first person I see when I walk in is @wegra loliu_1108641_4911163.webp

Before the panel start I had a slideshow of Pomni fanart play on the big screen as I'm waiting for people to come in.

Here is the playlist of the entire slideshow of Pomnis:

At the panel we started by introducing ourselves and hyping up the crowd, and talked about what we do, then we showed about an hour of Newgrounds animations. Big shout out to @disconnecty for recording the reactions and videos shown as well as @Nicksenny. It ended up being a pretty decent crowd especially being one of the last panels on a Friday night.

BIG THANKS ALSO to @nicksenny for putting together a video of the panel, you guys should watch it, he did such a great job editing and putting it together.


Thank you to all the Newgrounders who also came out too @wegra @tamag0 @disconnecty, @studiosnowlion and @spinalpalm who was about to make the hour drive right after his comedy show but unfortunately registration closed so he wouldn't have been able to get in.

Thank you @TomFulp for putting the post on the front page and just hosting a great site for content creators.

This was my first time ever doing a panel and it was so much fun, and got to meet a lot of people who were also into Newgrounds content.


Also I used @sirlenward 's NJ Meetup sticker at the end, lol

Here is the entire playlist of what was shown at the Panel, thank you to all the amazing content creators on Newgrounds that also helped make this possible.

As for the future, if I do Derpycon again I'm hoping next time to get a better time slot like a little earlier or on a Saturday.

Also if I do it again I'll announce it ahead of time like in June or July next year. It's also only 20 minutes away from Yestercades so maybe next year it could be a NG Panel/Yestercades meetup. Although the arcade selection at Derpycon is actually pretty good for it's small size, a guy I met from Massachusetts told me it's way better than the one at Anime Boston.

ALSO I put in an application for Magfest in 2024 fingers crossed. If not there will be several other Newgrounders attending Magfest maybe we could have a little meetup there too.



Posted by Imprez - October 22nd, 2023

Hello again!

So I'm hosting a Newgrounds Panel along with @septicsebi and @nicksenny where we're going to show some of latest popular Newgrounds movies. For anyone asking, No Derpycon is NOT a Brony convention, it's an anime/gaming convention. It's a small up and coming convention, they've only had an attendance of 2,800 people last year and that was their best year. The venue is at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick, NJ (just 20 minutes away from where the Yestercades meetup happened) and will be this Friday night October, 27th from 11:45 pm - 12:45 am. I know there's a couple of Newgrounders already going to Derpycon. REMINDER THIS IS AN 18+ EVENT, you can't get in unless you have an 18+ wristband.

If you live in the area and you want to come on by for the day and check out the con you can register for a Friday badge for $30 or a weekend badge for $60 https://t.co/KcNjpH0Agz

@wegra, @disconnecty, and @spinalpalm are also gonna drop by too

I also put in an application for a panel at Magfest so I should know if it got accepted by December, I'll keep you all updated on that.




Posted by Imprez - October 21st, 2023

Oh wow, its been a while since I wrote a news post here, and im gonna post another one tomorrow night too. So I went to the Yestercades meetup last week Friday, and I honestly have to say it was one of my favorite Newgrounds meetups next to TooManyGames. It's amazing how big they've gotten I always feel like I never have enough time to talk to everyone there.

Wheniu_1100614_4911163.webpiu_1100615_4911163.webpiu_1100616_4911163.webpthe first people I meet are @blakenator9872 and @maxgalaxy. It was funny going to the art studio nearby to get Max a sketchbook and Max told the lady at the counter he was from Turkey and Blake told them was from Arizona, and I was about 20 minutes away.

@slowsolid whipped my ass in Marvel vs.

It was great to catch up with @evil-sora and @septicsebi again after TMG.

It was also great seeing @Ivanalmighty and @spinalpalm again talking about how great Magfest is and hopefully we'll meet again in January for it.

Also shoutout to @nicksenny for allowing me to be apart of the meat to his Manwich collab too

A lot of other new newgrounders Ive got to talk to as well: @pulvite @fritogoo @blblackmamba, @captainstevie @disconnecty


I got a whole lot of new stickers from @cheddarexuberant @dungeonation @blakenator9872 @sirlenward @spinalpalm @pukebomb @septicsebi @raviolibox @mechanicalmantis @ovimanic @marshybruh @coby

Thanks @tamag0 @zilch @ravolibox @blakenator9872 @leroyalmess @spinalpalm @zeroreaper @msghero @sirlenward for signing my sketchbook.

And big thanks to @brandbuizel for hosting another amazing meetup.

Also thanks to everyone who goes to these meetups for just being awesome and fun to hangout!

Anyone from North Jersey if you ever want to hangout at yestercades again or somewhere else cool, I'd be down.



Posted by Imprez - July 28th, 2022

I haven't been on NG all day, I just saw that I'm user of the day lol. Thank you so much! Also I have a great time at the NYC Newgrounds meetup and meeting some cool peeps.

Also one of my favorite things about these meetups is sketching in each other's sketchbooks.




Posted by Imprez - December 31st, 2020

iu_218093_4911163.gifiu_218094_4911163.gifiu_218092_4911163.gifI don't normally makes news posts, first off thanks to everyone supporting me over these years, this community is truly amazing. I can't believe in 8 more days this account will be 7 years old. For 2021 I really want to start focusing on posting art more often. In fact I already posted more art this year than I did last year or the year before, which I kind of consider a big accomplish for me considering how busy I've been with work and school, this also doesn't include all the art work I posted on my lewd account @sirbrickrockng . I'm also working on an animation as well, I'm almost done with the animatic, i'm also going to start looking for a Voice actress for it as well. I'm even considering quitting my job so I'll be able to focus on creating art more often while going to school full time, because balancing all three is really difficult. hopefully this year will make up for how shitty 2020 has been, I don't know about you, but this has literally been one of the worst years of my life and Covid made it 10X worse on top of that. All I can say is cherish all the loved ones in your life right now and I hope everyone has a Happy New Year, stay safe, stay healthy, stay strong!
